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15 December 2024:The Dungarvan Lions Club are hosting a fundraising concert in aid of their Christmas Appeal in St Marys Church, Dungarvan on Sunday 15th December at 4 pm. We are looking forward to performing there.

23–25 August 2024: Down to Cape Clear off the West Cork coast for our annual visit to sing a few songs and meet with good friends. Always a special occasion.

2–4 August 2024: We are off to Germany for an international shanty festival in Vegesack, Bremen: Festival Maritim 2024. Looking forward to that, big time!!

21-23 June 2024: The Wild Atlantic Shanty Festival in Sligo. A slimmed down Hookes and Crookes are heading west for another great weekend.


12th December: We are performing at a private function locally at a Christmas is always great fun.

22–24 October 2023: The 23rd Shackleton Autumn School is held this year in the Abbey Hotel in Athy where we will sing a few songs and enjoy the talks and the event.

25th-28th August 2023: Cape Clear beckons for our annual visit to sing sea songs, ballads and shanties in the company of Mary and Ciarán O'Driscoll.

3rd-7th August 2023: We are off to a big festival in Brittany: Le Festival du Chant de Marin at Paimpol. We will have a ball. What a life!

5th July 2023: We are singing a mixture of ballads and sea songs at a private function in Woodstown at the edge of Waterford Harbour....and maybe a pint afterwards in The Saratoga!

16th-18th June 2023: The Wild Atlantic Shanty Festival in Sligo.

Thursday 18th May 2023: Piltown in nearby Kilkenny, where we will entertain our French visitors from St Herblain, twinned with Waterford City. We are looking forward to that and to air our few lively French shanties.

Thursday 27th April 2023: Jordan's Bar in Waterford City, at around 9pm for an hour or so. A cultural night of poetry and readings, to which we will contribute a few sea songs and shanties

Sunday 23rd April 2023: Sunday Series Concert between 12 and 1 in Christ Church Cathedral, along with Fallaway House and Omega 3.



Thursday 15th December 2022: Concert at 2pm at a private function in Waterford City, which we enjoy every year.

Sunday 4th December 2022: Concert at 3pm in St Mary's Church, Dungarvan, in aid of the Lions Club Christmas Appeal.

4th-6th November 2022: Ballycastle, Antrim for a private function (a big roundy birthday party for Ciarán O'Driscoll!).

28th-30th October 2022: The Shackleton Autumn School takes place in Athy, where we will be singing! We are looking forward to it! See Shackleton Autumn School for more details

19th-22nd August 2022: We are heading down to Cape Clear off the southwest coast of Cork for our annual visit to that beautiful island. No doubt Mary O'Driscoll has a great weekend of music and song in store for us. Mighty!

4th-7th August 2022: The Portaferry Sails and Sounds Festival is on from the 4th to the 7th of August and we are delighted to be invited to perform there. A mighty few days is in store. See Portaferry Sails and Sounds for more details

26th June 2022: We are singing at the official naming of the new lifeboat at Dunmore East Harbour at around 1:30 pm, just before and then after the official ceremony. Down at the lighthouse. Hopefully the weather will be good

17-19 June 2022: We are singing in Rosses Point, Sligo, at the Wild Atlantic Shanty Festival. More details will follow later.

3-6 June 2022: A slimmed down version of Hooks and Crookes are heading to Rathlin Island off the coast of Antrim to sing songs on that beautiful island and to meet with friends, old and new. It should be a great weekend


A Ships Bucket


Seascapes is a radio programme broadcast every Friday night on RTE Radio 1, from 10.30-11.00 pm, which deals with all maritime issues. It is now produced and presented by Fergal Keane (Marcus Connaughton, a great supporter of Hooks and Crookes, retired in June 2017). You can find more information on this wonderful programme by clicking the link Seascapes. Podcasts of previous programmes can also be listened to there.

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