www.armstrongspatent.nl: Armstrong's Patent are shantysingers from Appingedam in North Holland. Their name is a slang expression used in big sailing ships indicating that the ship was sailed on the muscle power of the crew as there were no mechanical aids. Armstrong's Patent organise a very successful shanty festival in August, where they are based.
www.baggyrinkle.co.uk: Baggyrinkle is a nine-member shanty group, (eight performing and one female to keep the boys in order!) who come from Wales. They were formed in 1994 with the initial role of hosting the Swansea Maritime & Shanty Festival. However like ourselves, once together theycould not stop singing.
www.dickmiles.com Dick Miles loves traditional music and the English concertina in particular and writes and sings his own songs of the sea. Dick lived for many years in England but now happily resides in southwest Ireland.
www.drunken-sailor.de Drunken Sailor are a group of four singers from Germany who are particularly at home working the capstan or pulling the ropes on board ship as they sing their shanties. They regularly provide workshops on board the "Schulschiff Deutschland" at the "Festival Maritim" in Vegesack in Germany
www.falmouthshout.com: Falmouth Shout are a group of shanty singers (around 20) based in Cornwall, England. They organise the Falmouth International Sea Shanty festival held in June each year (18th-20th June in 2010), the purpose of which is to raise funds for the RNLI. The Falmouth Festival was out first foreign excursion in 2006, and opened our eyes to the shanty festival circuit in Europe.
www.kimbersmen.com: Kimber's Men are a 5-part shanty group from Yorkshire. We met them originally in Sixmilebridge in Co. Clare where they were singing at the Winter Music Festival. One of their members Joe Stead is a professional folk singer and has made a number of solo recordings.
www.kaapstander.nl Shanty choir "De Kaapstander" (The Capstan) was founded in 1998 in the famous historical town Oudewater in the Netherlands. The choir counts about 40 enthusiastic male and female singers and sing shanties and sea songs in Dutch, English and French. Many songs are emphasized with own choreography. The musical support consists of accordions, banjo, violin and drum.
www.les-souilles.com Les Souillés are a band of five musicians and singers native of Côtes d'Armor in Brittany who started their adventure in 1991 as guests of the sea shanty festival at Paimpol, the mecca of maritime heritage. After singing traditional shanties in their early career, they have written their own songs as the years went by.
www.lmsf.no: The Langesund Male Voice Choir, Langesund Mannsangforenings, are from Norway and who specialize is maritime songs. They also organize the Langesund International Shantyfestival, normally held in early June each year.
www.paddy-s.com: Paddy's Passion are a group from the Netherlands. They offer international shanties as well as a broad variety of (traditional) Irish music. Most of their songs are supported by the squeeze box, accordion, bodhran and Irish tin and low whistle.Each year they spend at least a week in Ireland expanding their repertoire..
www.shanty.co.uk: This is a general shanty website hosted by a quartet called The Bitter End. What makes this site so interesting is that as well as hosting the website of a number of shanty groups, it also keeps an updated calendar of shanty events and festivals world wide, in addition to having a great many links to other shanty groups.
www.loggenkystlag.no/documents/shantykoret.php Riggerloftets from Norway are a group of singers who, unusually for shanty groups, have their own boat which they use to travel to local festivals in Norway.
www.rumandshrub.co.uk Rum & Shrub are singers from Cornwall who sing a mixture of sea songs, shanties and folk songs, and the group, together now for many years just enjoy the fun of it all. The name Rum and Shrub is taken from one of Cornwall's best kept secrets Shrub being an alcoholic cordial reputed to have been enjoyed by smugglers to disguise the salty taste of their contraband, and rum being rum.
www.scheepsfolk.nl Scheepsfolk is a maritime folk music group originally Noord-Holland. The group is made up of four permanent crew members. The songs are sung in traditional style, ballads and sea shanties tell stories about the difficult and sometimes dangerous and exciting times aboard ship. The muster roll is full with a rich repertoire of songs from Holland, France and England.
www.shortdragroger.co.uk Short Drag Roger, by their own admission are committed land-lubbers who like to remember the bygone days of sail and sing heartily in remembrance of it.
www.rossespointshanty.com: This is a new festival first held in Rosses Point in Co Sligo in August 2010. In 2011 it will be held on the weekend of 18th June to coincide with the World Fireball Championship. It is organised by the local shanty group called “Ashore for as loaf”.
www.biedaip.nl: Bie Daip or Big Deep is the name of the international shantyfestival held in Appingedam in The Netherlands in late August each year. It is organised and managed by Armstrong Patent, the local shanty Group. A small group of us visited this festival in Aug 2009.
www.falmouthseashanty.co.uk The Falmouth International Sea Shanty Festival was founded and is organised by Falmouth Shout. It is run in June each year and is the biggest festival of its kind in the UK with 23 different groups performing in 2009. In addition to raising money for the RNLI, it also aims to preserve and promote the maritime heritage of Falmouth and Cornwall. We sang at this festival in 2006, 2007 and 2010.
www.festival-maritim.de: The Festival Maritim is Germany's largest sea music festival and is held in Vegesack, Bremen in late July/early August each year (in 2010, the festival takes place on the 6th-8th August). Huge crowds are attracted to the many international groups that perform at the Festival. We performed at this festival in August 2008.
www.paimpol-festival.bzh/fr/le-festival: The Festival du Chant de Marin is held in Paimpol in Brittany every two years. The whole town centre and quay side is cordoned off and becomes a hive of festivity. We first performed there in 2007.
www.shantyfestival.com: The Langesund International Shantyfestival is run by the Langesund Male Voice Choir from Norway. The festival had its beginnings in 1991 and has developed into an annual event. We took part in this festival in June 2009 and are returning in 2011.
www.shantyfreun.de/: A list of shanty festivals taking place in Europe. Run by Karl-Heinz, a software developer and shanty singer.
www.omroepvlaardingen.nl: Omroep Vlaardingen broadcasts a shantyprogram every Saturday from 09.00 hrs (local time). Repeated on Tuesday at 20.00h and Thursday (with reservations) at 20.00h. You can listen in by clicking “luisteren” in the top left of the website.
www.joephelanmusic: Joe Phelan, one of Hooks and Crookes, promototes his music, his words and his own unique songs through his website.
www.shanty.co.uk: This is a general shanty website hosted by a quartet called The Bitter End. What makes this site so interesting is that as well as hosting the website of a number of shanty groups, it also keeps an updated calendar of shanty events and festivals world wide, in addition to having a great many links to other shanty groups.
http://www.rmg.co.uk/national-maritime-museum: The National Maritime Museum, based in London, occupies three sites, which form one museum illustrating the importance of the sea, ships and the people who venture there.
www.chanteycabin.co.uk: The Chanty Cabin is a web site run as a hobby by Ken and Jan Lardner and is the ultimate supplier of Maritime Music CD's. If you are missing a particular CD for your collection, the Chanty Cabin will be sure to have it or if not, will be able to find it. In addition to providing an excellent internet service they can be seen regularly travelling around to various maritime festivals. In addition to running the Chantey Cabin Ken & Jan also put together an internet radio programme called The Scuttlebutt accessed through their web site.
www.tallshipsgallery.co.uk This is the web site of a freelance photographer by the name of Richard Sibley who spends his time photgraphing Tall Ships, Traditional Boats and Seascapes. All of his work is non-commissioned and can be seen at exhibitions throughout the UK and Europe. He has visited City Square in Waterford on a number of occasions.
www.aoifeonline.com/ This is the website of AOIFE - the Association of Irish Festival Events - an all-island voluntary network organisation that brings together organisers of festivals and events in Ireland, suppliers to the festival and event sector and policy-makers and funders. Founded in March 1993,today there are over 400 festivals and events and in excess of 100 corporate, associate and individual members. Member Festivals range from prestigious international events to a host of smaller town and village festivals throughout the island of Ireland.
www.afloat.ie The website site for Irelands Sailing and Boating magazine, it keeps abreast of all maritime maters at home and abroad.